Take it with a Fifth of Vodka -- Trust us, we're doctors!!!!

April 27th, 2019 -  Somewhere USA - Take it with a Fifth a Vodka and shame your pain away

Introduction should be made; a hello, you might say.


What are we?

We are the beginning, the end, so settle down, sit in the nice comfy chair, let me pour you a glass of vodka, lets toast the world, to insanity; the ultimate cure for depression; a fifth of vodka; and some happy pills, everything will be okay.

"But won't that kill you?"

Who says!?


What the hell do they know!

"Apparently not much!!"

So again, here we are, just beginning our journey, this mesh of stupidity, random writings, some insights into the human madness known as whatever the hell we are thinking about at the time.

"Will there be cake?"

There will always be cake!!

And tits!

Lots and lots of tits!!

"Will there be butts too?"

Sure, why not, but we draw the line at fingers. No fingers.


We kid, there'll be fingers too.

Toes as well.

"Awesome!! I like toes!!"

Would you believe me if I told the reasons why
You can't rest, and drink yourself to sleep at night?
Now, like it matters, you can't escape, don't even try
We speak what no one knows
You lie awake and you hope it's all in your head
You're counting teeth with your tongue, are they all there?
There's no relief in the dark from what isn't there
But you don't feel alone
We are the ones you should be fearing
Coming in the night and take your teeth away
Now sew up your mouth, and go to sleep, 'cause
We'll be there soon to break your heart and spite your face
Now they're finally here and you know what they're looking for
With their empty grins they proceed in taking what you owe
And you move your lips, but the words, they just fall to the floor
So this

So here we are; somewhere, maybe the middle, could be the end, definitely not the beginning unless you're reading this backwards; then, you're more fucked up than we are and would like to be our leader?

We need someone; to lead us through the desert; where we find ourselves right now.

We don't know what this blog will be about; I might throw in some pornography as I hear that sells in Iowa.

Or not!!!

I hope you will join me in my journey; I can only promise that it might be interesting.

But it probably won't be!!!

You just never know!!

And remember --- Take your happy pills with a fifth of vodka!! 

Trust us, we're doctors, would we lie to you?


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